Covid-19 Shipment Guidelines
*Please be safe, wear a mask and gloves and social distance when accepting any deliveries.
Please keep in mind that due to increased volumes there could be communication delays. We’re sorry for any delays and any inconvenience this causes you—thank you for being patient and understanding at this time.
Please be patient, respectful and accomodating to all delivery drivers. Due to Covid-19, on-line shopping has increased dramatically and carriers are overwhelmed with deliveries. In many cases, Covid-19 guidelines or Executive Orders can change on a day-to-day basis, depending on the state, county or city that they are delivering to. They have guidelines that they must follow in order to protect themselves, their families and you.
Some drivers have very limited days/hours to deliver to specific areas. Please be accomodating. If you cannot be at home during their delivery hours, please request delivery without a signature (all shipments are fully insured for this type of delivery), or ask a neighbor or friend to be there in your place. Some carriers instruct their drivers NOT to deliver inside of your home, nor open the packages and let you inspect the goods prior to signing. This is for everyone's protection. In these cases, please go ahead and sign, but also write on the BOL "NOT inspected, per driver's request", as this will be helpful in any future damage claims.
Please understand that these are very trying times for all involved and everyone, included suppliers and drivers, are doing their best to navigate these unknown waters, as this pandemic is beyond our control. Please be kind and patient, and we will all get through this together. Thank you!